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product description: Uhuui was like no other doll she had ever seen and quickly became her constant companion. Everywhere she went, Uhuui went too. They spent hours together playing games, telling stories, and just hanging out.In conclusion, Myou Doll BJD are becoming more and more popular each day, due to their affordability, customizable nature, and level of detail. As a result, they have become one of the most sought-after collectible items on the market. Whether youe an avid collector or just starting out, Myou Doll BJD are an excellent addition to any collection.As the doll hobby grows in popularity in Bangladesh, the prices of Ball Jointed Dolls (BJDs) have risen dramatically over the past few years. BJDs are often purchased for collection and customization purposes and can be found in specialty shops or online stores. The rising price of BJDs have made them inaccessible to many potential owners in Bangladesh, but with the emergence of new hobbyists and manufactures, there is always a hope for more affordability. Once upon a time there was a young girl named Sayako who lived in Japan. She loved dolls, especially ball-jointed dolls (BJD). Every day, Sayako would dream of owning one of the beautiful limited edition BJD dolls with intricate details and craftsmanship.Atop their heads rests the signature horn, usually made from cast resin or metal and coated with sparkle or glitter. Some even come with a mane that can be styled and customized to fit your tastes. Accessories like halos, wings, or gemstones are also available to add an extra touch of magical flair.